
Do I have to much stuff?

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I'm feeling awful right now because we don't have a lot of money left from my dad's last paycheck and yesterday I got some things done for back to school.. I got my hair cut and dyed, got new contacts, got my ears pierced again, got lunch things, and got hair things. I feel like I already have to much. A TV in my room, a computer in my room, a full sized bed, a stereo, a book case, a huge room, a huge bathroom, all sorts of decoration, an IPod.... and I have about 4 days worth of outfits for school already. I feel so bad and stressed out about all this and I'm only 12 going into 7th grade... My dad just got back up on his feet after a bad depression period and now he's working so hard for that 1,500 or so paycheck that comes every other week. What do you think I should do to try to make up for all of my extra c**p?




  1. Yes you do have too much stuff.  You don't need a television in your fact studies have proved that children, (and until you turn 18 you will still be a child), have sleep disorders, don't do as well in school and have behavior problems.  You don't need a computer in your room, no 12 year old needs a computer in their bedrooms.  You also don't need a stereo in your bedroom or an IPod.  They should be on a "home" computer in a "public" part of the house where their activities on line can be monitored and supervised.  You obviously didn't need to get your hair dyed, or had your ears pierced again.   My family is what YOU would probably consider "rich" and none of my girls (I have 3) have television in their rooms, computers, IPods, or stereos of their own.  My 11 year old is no where near dying her hair and she doesn't even have hear ears piereced once.  She will be entering high school as a freshman (Oh didn't I mention her IQ was 165?), in almost two weeks.  My 8 year old has been in honors classes since the 1st grade and my 5 year old is in the advanced kindergarten.  They don't have behavior problems and get an hour a day of televison/computer/video game time that is if the earn that time because those things in our home are privliges.  

    As far as you being a nice daughter...I don't think being a spoiled brat is being nice at all...

  2. get a job.

  3. You're a very mature 12 year old. When I was your age, I never thought about how many things I had or how hard my mother worked to put food on the table. I took it all for granted. It's good that you're realizing how much you have at such an early age. Let your parents know you appreciate everything they have given you, and repay them by doing well in school and staying out of trouble. Helping around the house wouldn't hurt either.

  4. nah tats pretty normal, but just dont ask too much every week

  5. Give him a massage. Make him cookies/cake. Clean the house. Be really really thankful for what he has bought you- ie tel him how much you appreciate him. Ask him how his day was, and actually listen.

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