
Do I have to obey my mother in everything

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honestly it's something Halal and recommended maybe but I do not feel like I need it now

Do I have to obey her? I am very far from her and she this is the first time she asks me seriously to do something for her..

Serious answers for Allah sake

Pigs, sons of Muta'a and unity-fans are not welcomed to answer




  1. ur mother just wants to see u happy!thats all! all settled down with a wife and kids,every mothers dream!!!

    theres nothing wrong with marriage,u wont be locked up in prison for the rest of ur life.

    once u have that person u love and care about next to u  for the rest of ur life,s***w the world!!

    marriage isnt easy,but if both of u are understanding and open minded,forgiving..things will turn out fine.

    im not saying marriage is easy,but its all up to u,u can make it easy and u can make it hard.

    and im sure any girl would be lucky to have u!

    i know a bit about u and ur not sooo bad =]

    may allah bless you with the woman of ur dreams so u will both live happily ever after!!=]

    like from halab!!=]

    e mail me if u need anything bro!i would love to help.i know ppl in halab=]

    EDIT:listen to maria,she has a good point!

  2. Not if she tells you to go against Islam, other than that you should.

    Calling other Muslims expletives is not what a good Muslims does. Half-witted people like you are responsible for us Muslims lacking behind. Are you even a Muslim?

  3. Watch this video

    Insha Allah ur views will change........

    Hope i helped!

  4. I think you should listen to your mum. Mum knows best everytime and, marriage is good for you. Mum knows what is best always and there os great reward in marriage. You deen will be half complete. So yes, mum knows best in this case.  

  5. Oh sorry may Allah keep her safe Insha'Allah (ameen)

    If it is Halal why dnt you do it, of course you need to obey her but you need to considered yourself too. :)


    LOL are not are answers 'wise' enough, why thankyou Sina!

  6. so if she says go kill yourself, you commit suicide

    isnt that agaisnt "Allah, hALAL " rules?

  7. Yes she carried u for nine months.....u gotta obey everything she says! for she knows best for you after Allah swt!

  8. LOL Sina.

    Welcome back, with a new avatar and everything.


  9. Why'd you say your mother is not welcome? That's so un-Islamic.

  10. is this a request from your mother?  Or is it something she is insisting on?  In any case, if it is something halal and beneficial, and reasonable and will not harm you or your future in any way, why would you not comply?  she is your mother after all and there is no one, and I cannot emphasize this point enough, there is no one who loves you more and wants the khair for you more than your mother.  That being said, as a mother I can tell you that sometimes mothers have their own agendas and they think they know what is best (this is especially the case when the children are grown) and these agendas, even though they are well intended are not always the best thing.  For example, they may pressure you to marry someone you really do not want to marry.  In that case, you should not obey her because this is something which could affect seriously your future (in a bad way).  So look at the scenario from all angles and do your best not to be angry or annoyed with her.  Whatever the case, I promise she wants nothing more than for you to be healthy and happy.  Good luck.

  11. so confusing if its the right thing to do for her then do it

  12. ok then.

  13. if what she has asked you will make her happy, then, indeed, yes!

  14. Yes Mama's boy.

  15. My answer here would be, if it's something you can do and won't effect you absurdly, but it's something your mother has asked you to as help to her then do it. For if you please your mother, the reward is great. I know what you mean though, there has been times when my mother has asked me to do something which hasn't been ideally timed, but I do it for her sake. So just maybe she'll remember what I did for her and make dua for me and then Allah shall help me when I am in need.

    When you do something for someone, even if you don't really want to or for whatever reason, like if it's not easy, just think, the reward will be greater, Insha'Allah.

  16. salam, oh my answering after 9 hours lolz, I have to answer, accept it.

    If its the same issue, then your mother is telling something not for herself but for your own sake. now you are settled,you have a job, and its a good age to get married, so get married. you are an angry young man, may be your wife could help you out and make your wife your friend, she will erase all of your pains inshaAllah. Just pray to Allah. Obey your mother when you think she is right and you are not agreeing with her only because you don't want to,this is wrong. but if your mother tells u something which you really cannot do because you understands it the way she doesn't then make her understand and do the right. hope you are doing good, its  been a long time, tc :) ~!

  17. Yes you have to obey your mother. Your future wife/wives honor you by obeying your mother.  Your mother is more important then your wife.  Islam says Jinnah is under the feet of the mother.  If you do something your mother doesn't like, and she doesn't forgive you, then you won't get into Jinnah. Your good deeds will be nullified.

  18. Marriage is better for you, as it's the advice of one better than your mother: The Prophet salallaahu alihi wa salam.

    And to authentic believer: Imaam Ahmad did not marry until the age of 40 not because of his mother, that's incorrect. Rather as his biographies mention it was because of his involvement in seeking knowledge that he did not marry until the age of 40. I believe Shaykh Saaleh Aal ash-Shaykh mentioned this as well.  

  19. You know how much rewards you get when you obey her. :) why miss on all the reward you can get? And the companions of the Messenger s.a.w and the Tabi3een and Salaf as-Salih, they were great examples of being obedient to their mothers. Did you know that Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal didn't get married until age 40? And this was because he loved his mother sooooo much, that he wanted to take care of her , and when she died he was age 40, then he allowed himself to get married finally. there are many examples brother that I am sure you are aware of. Yes, your mother may be far from you in distance but at heart i'm sure she is close :) try as hard as you can to obey her, especially if she does not have many requests and is a good muslimah.

    May Allah bless you and her and unite you both insha'Allah :) take care, salam.

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