
Do I have to paint the whole fuselage on a model plane?

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I'm currently building an F-16 plastic model, and the plastic doesn't seem the same shade of gray as on the box and other models on the Internet.

If so, how should i do it (brush, spray, etc.)?




  1. That's totally up to you. If you are trying to make it look like a REAL F-16, then a realistic paint job is in order.

  2. spray painting will give the best results, just remember go light on the coats, don't try to paint it all in one coat, or you will get runs and sags, not pretty. Use flat colors since its aircraft, they dry faster as well. after you get all your decals placed on it, you can give it a shot of dull coat to keep the paint flat, and keep the decals in place over the years.

    If in doubt about spray painting, try painting something else first you dont care about until you get the hang of it.

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