
Do I have to pay child support if im not married to mother?

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I left my gf because we wasn't getting along. About 1.5 months later she tells me she is pregnant. I don't want the baby, but she say she want to keep it. I told her we're not together anymore why keep it for. She thinks that I used her for s*x, not the case. She wants me to pay for it, for leaving her. She said she is going to claim child support from me. I told her I didn't want it and we were not married and i left before I even knew it. Am I still responsible for child support if she claims it? I would take full custody than pay her child support. Can I take custody?




  1. well you would have to pay child support if she claims it or even if you share the child im not so sure if you have full custody tho but it will be really hard to take the baby away from its mother so just be prepared they usually don't give the father full custody so say what you said(I would take full custody than pay her child support. Can I take custody?) Maby that will soften them up

    good luck

  2. Of course you do!  That baby needs financial support, whether or not he was conceived within the bonds of wedlock.  Don't try to take custody out of some sense of revenge--you already said you didn't want the baby.  Let him be raised by someone who does, and don't try to punish the mother by punishing him instead.

    Be a man and help support the child you helped create.  If you don't want to have children, stop having s*x with women you aren't married to.

    But insist on a DNA test before you sign or agree to anything.  Yes the child deserves financial support from you if it's your child, but if it isn't, it should be up to the real biological father to step up and be a man.

  3. first she has to prove its your child before they make you pay child support.. or the law may make you do a DNA,,its hard to get custody unless shes an unfit mother.i know this cause my daughter and husband went thru this.if you get custody she will have to pay you..but i would go to a lawyer or call them and ask how to go thru all this, there is always a free consultation with a lawyer till you decide what to do..

  4. You can try but most courts give the children to their mothers unless the are deemed unfit!! that is your job and your solicitor to proove she is an unfit mother!!! no offence its both of your problems

  5. Yes you still have to pay child support if you aren't married. Actually NO married people pay child support lol- they share their income. And no, you can't take custody unless she is unfit and if you don't want the baby why would you want to do that anyway? Babies usually cost A LOT more than the child support a custodial parent receives so you'd still be broke and you'd have all the responsibility of caring for an infant on your shoulders. You will most likely get joint custody but if you "don't want the baby" then you don't even deserve that. The courts will want to do what is in THE CHILD'S best interests- not yours. You have a lot of growing up to do in the next nine months- man up.

  6. If the baby is biologically yours, you are required to pay child support.  After the baby is born, you can pay to have a paternity test to prove whether or not the child is yours.  After the test, if you are the father, you are required by law to pay up to about 29% of your paycheck (depending on the state and parental role in the child's life).  The only way to avoid child support to to give up parental rights, which could only be done if another man is willing to legally adopt the child.  If you sue for full legal custody, you will have to prove in family court that you are a more suitable parent than the the mother is.  That means you will have to prove that you are financially stable, have a safe environment for the child to be raised in, have support from friends and family, and prove that she is an unfit mother.  However, please talk to a lawyer regarding your personal situation.

  7. People shouldnt even have to answer this question...your a dumbass and im so glad she left from you!!! good on her!!

  8. ok first, even if you arent married and you get a girl pregnant , yes you will have to pay child support

    most judges arent going to take a baby from its mother.

    and she doesnt have to have your permission to keep the baby if she wants it and you dont.

    edit- well then i feel bad for you and the child. if she really is unfit then she doesnt deserve to have any children at all and you really should have been using birth control.

  9. You chicken sh*t piece of offal.

    You did the fun part, now you have to Pay the Piper.

    You make me sick. Contact the Maury Show to further your degredation.

  10. So let me get this don't want the baby and think it should be aborted.....BUT you would rather have full custody than pay child support?  You are f*cked up.  Be a man, step up to the plate, and pay your child support.  You disgust me.

  11. It doesn't seem like you want the kid in the first place, so don't take it if there's a question in your mind.  I'm a pretty ethical person, so if it were me...  "I took the risk when I had s*x and that's what happens sometimes"  You are responsible for the baby... that is clear.  If you look as this from a stand-back perspective, the baby didn't ask to come to this earth, you had it come.  If I were you, I would try to repair my relationship with the mother and be the dad you're already going to be.  Trust me, babies will bring so much happiness.  So will a wife (a lifelong companion).  It is your choice, but I think if you asked yourself what you should do, no matter what you say... you know the right thing!  The hard part is the everybody just wants to take the easy way out...

  12. yes you have to pay child support. Someone that got pregnant off a one night stand would have to pay child support.

    My boyfriend pays for his daughter, he hasn't seen her in over 2 years because she lives a couple states away. He pays $550 a month (yes, for ONE child). And, that leaves his checks to be about $190 every 2 weeks. We can't afford it, but do the courts care? NOT A BIT!!!

    This is the way the courts look at it: DNA test +positively yours, you pay for 18 years, bar none.

    Dont' ask for custody. And, why would you want to? We fought for custody for a while & gave up. It's costly & the mom usually wins unless she has a drug problem or something. Good luck.

  13. Depending on your state, if you sign acknowledgement of paternity then you are responsible for child support.

    If you do not sign something like that, she can pursue a DNA test to determine fatherhood.

    Whether you want it or not, if you have s*x and make a baby, you are responsible.

  14. OHHH wow !!!! well ur answer is yes.she can definately charge u for child support, and trust either way its gonna cost ya and alot.If u decide to take custody ur going to have a full time job.The baby needs food,diapers and other materials.When she puts u on child support the majority of ur ccheck will go to her and the baby.The more u make the more they'll talke.Something like taxes.Not to mention that.But a baby is a BIG responsibility.GoodLUCK!!!

  15. You don't want it, but you want to take custody of the child?  Yea.  That more then likely won't happen unless you can prove that she is unfit.  Yes, you will have to pay child support if the child is proven to be yours.  These are things you should think about before you start having s*x.

  16. Yes you have to pay child support. And raising a child cost WAY more than the measly child support you will be paying. besides, you want her to kill the baby why would you even fight for custody? you help create your situation. grow up and take responsibility you douche

  17. Yes you are still responsible for the child. You say that you dont want the child well you shouldn't have had unprotected s*x or s*x at all if the condom broke. Its her fault as much it is yours. And she can get you for child support if you are the father. But if you get a DNA test and it shows that you are not the father then you do not have to pay child support. You can fight for custody but if you do you need to have a good lawyer.

  18. 1 why do u want  custody if u DIDNT want the baby to begin with. 2 your better off paying child support, its cheaper in the long run 3 why would u want custody if shes a fit mother and apparently WANTS the baby 4 you got her pregnant and now you pay for your actions. unless shes on drugs i doubt your getting custody so id just go ahead and pay child support, although if you DONT pay child support assuming she doesnt make u then you cannot see the child unless she allows you...

  19. Yup. and Yup. BTW she wants to keep it because it's her CHILD. Why would you want custody? You don't even want it to be born. She should be glad you left.

  20. Yup!  She'll take you to court and if you argue that the child isn't your's they'll order you to take a DNA test.  After that, you're done for.  They'll track you wherever you go and attach your wages in order to prevent her from getting state assistance.

    As for custody, it's not likely that you'll get it.  Unless you can prove that she's really the absolute scum of the earth, they won't take that child from her!  

    Sorry!  Your best bet is to step up to the plate.  Do the right thing and be a good father, regardless of your feelings toward your ex.  Remember, it took two to make that baby and the baby had no choice in the matter.

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