
Do I have to pay for a grant application/ programs/ such as $39.99 for Uncle Sam's Money?

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I'm really interested in finding grants for home owning and need to know if I have to pay for it. I don't automatically trust anything that deals with charging on the internet, especially when I'm unsure if it's a scam.




  1. Guest21353

     I am ROSE SMITH from CANADA  a single parent, before my husband died he left us with so much DEBT that we could not cope with life, I was totally confused on what to do. When I was going through the internet I came across a POST by MARCUS CAFE about how Mrs JULIA NAVARO help him to get a loan so I applied for the loan from JULIA NAVARO through her mail ( of $200,000 with a duration of 10 years. When I was applying for the loan I made a vow to GOD that if I get the loan I will let the world know what she did for me, to my greatest surprise my loan was granted with

    an interest of 2%. I was able to settle my debt and start up a new life and business with a settled family. So if you want any type of loan for as low as 2% please contact JULIA NAVARO on her mail just fulfilled my vow.

  2. Don't pay - they are scams. You may also want to read the warnings FTC has issued against these "grant" companies:

    Here is also one of the warnings issued by the Better Business Bureau

    I suggest you check out non profits, who are the recipients of most housing grants. Check out Habitat for Humanity.

    Also visit the Nehemiah Corp as they have a downpayment assistance program for qualified lenders

    The Housing and Urban Development in their Grants Available page makes it clear that they do not provide grants to individuals -- hence no grants for a person to buy a home


    "While HUD does not offer direct grants or loans to individuals, we do work through local governments and non-profit organizations to make financial assistance and counseling available."


    You can go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) and - these are two FREE sites created by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants. Browse through the listings and see if you can find any grant that would support your purposes.

    Even if you buy books on "how to get grants" or list that supposedly has information on grants -- all of them are mere rehash of what CFDA has, albeit packaged differently.

  3. If you have to pay it's a scam.

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