
Do I have to pay my parents debts when they die?

by  |  earlier

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im an only child, my mother is not married nor has she ever been. She doesnt own a house, really has no assets at all. Shes currently $20K in debt and that number is only going up as she gets older. Shes in her 40's now. If she dies tomorrow, will I have to pay those debts?




  1. don't think negative just think positive.

  2. No, not unless you are a coborrower or cosigner for those debts.  Her estate will have to pay them, however, before you inherit anything.

  3. someone like your mom should file bankruptcy

    esp. if no assets to go after.  She can take advantage of it and in 7 years be in MUCH better shape.

    but no you don't have to pay a cent.

  4. It will have to be paid from her estate. Any assets will have to be sold to pay the debts.

    You are not personally responsible for the debts

  5. NO - her debts will be paid out of any assets she leaves behind - so you will have to sell everyhting she owned to pay her debts - but when the money runs out you don't have to amke up the difference.

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