
Do I have to pay service charge in restaurants in the UK?

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What I was wondering is what the LAW is regarding paying service charges included in the bill at restaurants; I heard that it should be clearly stated on the menu before you buy and in the same font as the rest of the menu...




  1. You can pay service charge only if you are satisfied with the service, it is normally between 10 - 15%

    Sometimes service charge is part of the bill, then there is no need to pay extra unless the service has been outstanding

  2. You will generally tend to find that in england as a whole, but London specifically, restaurants will put the words, "Service charge included" on the menu, and on the bill if you are not required to leave a tip.

    As far as the LAW is concerned, as far as I am aware there isn't one. But if the service charge is not included (which will also generally be shown) it is usual to leave at least 10% of the total charge.

    Also, please remember to make sure to ask that the kitchen staff be included. Sometimes we get overlooked!

  3. IF i do not get good service then I deduct it from my bill

  4. i try to argue but i'm not very good so i end up paying... so they dont get a tip from me...

  5. its not compulsery to pay the service charge in any resturant in the uk and think its cheek when they add it to the bill like your expected to pay it but its not not law

  6. I've been told that it's actually illegal in the uk to include a service charge on a restaurant bill.  If the customer chooses to leave a tip all well & good.  Check it out before you go eat out.

  7. It's not compulsory at all - and most of them add it to your bill assuming that you'll be "all british" about it and not question it.  However, you're paying that money for service that you get - so if you don't agree with paying simply ask for it to be removed from the bill and they have no legal reason not to do so.  The manager may ask a few awkward questions as to why, but you don't have to pay it

  8. they ask you normally before processing your card, they cant cut any extra money otherwise.. its totaly depends on you , if you wants to give some money or not, they cant force you.

    we go to one restaurant regularly, first few times when he ask we use to give few quid but now we have stopped.

  9. Generally the going rate is between 10% and 25%.

  10. No it is not compulsory and most places in England do not deserve any extra money for the poor service and food that they dish out.

  11. If its stated on the menu and in the same font as the rest of the menu like you said you have to pay it. Though I'm sure if you didn't like the service and caused enough fus you wouldn't have to pay it. If you're not told about it at all then you shouldn't have to pay it.

  12. No you Don't have to leave a service charge but if you receive good service you should leave the waiting staff something as a good will gesger.

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