
Do I have to provide my info to the police if I am only a suspect in VA for vandalism?

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I am a suspect in a vandalism case, so can I refuse to provide my info to a Police if am only a suspect? he is saying he has a witness that saw me in a parking lot and a person is accusing me of doing something to someones car.




  1. No you don't.

  2. If you refuse to give the police information as a suspect you can be brought to the jail to be identified.  Other than that, suspects lie and withhold information all the time......if the information would help to clear you, then there is no reason that you should be withholding it.  Must be incriminating...

  3. YES, you MUST provide a police officer with your name and address or face further charges.

  4. You can refuse to give up information, but it could make you look more suspicious since you would be unwilling to cooperate.  If you had nothing to do with the incident, why won't you talk & let them rule you out quicker?

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