
Do I have to put my sons father on child support?

by Guest57958  |  earlier

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Im thinking on going on welfare for personal reasons and have been told by some people that I have to put my sons father on child support in order to go on welfare and others tell me I dont. What going on? I had applied once in the past and the caseworker said I HAD to put my sons father on childsupport. So then I didnt apply. Then my friend said that she didnt have to and she has the same situation that I do. I dont get it. Any help/experience would be helpful. Thank you!




  1. Yes.  Nothing is free, right?  The State wants to ensure there is a possibility that they will be compensated for the welfare they provide.  With this there is also an option that a dna test be provided.

    Even if he does not have a job now, when he works they will want their money and will even take it out his check.

    My friend has avoided paying child support in 20 years.  His support was $50k and they billed him $70k in interest.  His total to the government is over $100k and they have started deducting his pay check recently - even though his children are all grown (ages 19-30).

    I understand not wanting to put him on support, but when it comes down to it, you gotta eat, right?

  2. Make your son's father pay for his baby, not the taxpayers. There's no reason he can't support his kid. If he doesn't have a job, he should get one.

    Edited to add: I wasn't trying to get in your business, I just thought if you really need money, you should be thinking of yourself and your child and not worry about whether it would upset the father.

  3. Well I make 1040 amonth and their dad makes 1100 a month so they wouldn't give me any help unless he wasn't on my case so..... i had to have him use a different address and pay childsuport just to get medical and daycare cost paid for my kids so yeah if you collect government assistants then he has to pay child suport if you don't clam him on all of your stuff. But if you tell them he doesn't have a job and you family amount of income doesn't go over the limit then just add him to your case so he doesn't. If you apply without him on your case the state will pick the child suport up and make him pay anyway. My kids dad uses a different address and he pays child suport but we get it back like three days after he pays it in and they only take three dollars from it for fees.

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