
Do I have to register to vote?

by  |  earlier

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And if i do will they start sending me those jury duty summons or do they do that whether I register or not?




  1. if you dont vote, dont complain about the country, this is your voice, USE IT. and you do have to register.

  2. If for religious reasons you are separating yourself from government, then why are you wanting to vote?? Voting is one of the best rights we have, how can you vote if your religious beliefs want you to not have government issues in your life?? Not a slam to you, I am just curious...

  3. Depending where you live, voting may have nothing to do with jury duty.  Here it is based on registering your car with the state.  Each state is different.  And why wouldn't you want to vote!

  4. Not if you live in California or NY or you are mexican! If you try to separate yourself from the government why vote? oh, that is right the new politicians if elected are not government. They will change all history from George Washington to the Constitution. What is wrong with jury duty, there is a box you can mark that you do not wish to serve on jury duty and then you tell them why. That should not be hard to think of reason.

  5. jury rolls are drawn from voter lists, but aslo driver lists, and probably much more.

    If you are using the infrastructure and participating in the society, then be a good citizen and vote.

  6. Yes you have to register to vote. and yes you will get jurt summons

  7. You don't have to register, but if you don't, you can't vote.  Yes, they will send jury duty summons if you register.

  8. Jury duty got nothing to do with register to vote!

    JD got picked up automatically through DMV files.

    You gotta use your voice to VOTE! don't be afraid...the machines will do it for you, all u need is a finger, and a brain ...and u will get a sticker!!!afterward...yeeeaaaahhhh!!!

  9. The right to vote is one of our greatest rights. You do not have to register but then you can not vote or complain about elected officials. If the only reason you don't want to vote is so you don't have jury duty you are pathetic. My advice to you if you really don't want to serve on jury duty or vote go find a country where there is no trial by jury and a dictator runs the country.

  10. Yes, you have to register to vote.

    These days, most states generate the juror lists off of drivers license files, so not registering to vote isn't a way to avoid jury selection.

    Unless you are writing this email from 1978.

  11. Yes you have to register to vote.  Who cares if you get the summons for Jury Duty.  We should be proud that we are able to vote and help in the judicial process.  Other countreis aren't so lucky and people die everyday trying to fight for thier rights.  So register to vote.

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