
Do I have to return overpaid wages to my ex employer?

by  |  earlier

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My ex employer, which is a very big multi national, paid me 1 months' wages extra by mistake. Do I have to return the money?




  1. not unless they ask for it,  keep the money aside for a couple of months and if they havent asked for it back then go on a shopping spree

  2. If they have noticed then yes unfortunately you do. If not, go nuts, They all have enough money!!

  3. Yes, I am afraid you most certainly do!

  4. Yes in fact most employers have you sign papers that state this in your preemployment paperwork. Also I know my work has direct deposit and has the right to withdraw funds that were overpaid as well.

  5. if they do not no then keep it

  6. This is  sad, if out of 5 responses, only 2 suggest you do.

    If your integrity counts for something, ask them if this is correct???  Then, either way, you won't have to worry about it.

  7. What they don't no wont bother them .

  8. If they don't know dont worry you could set up another bank account and transfer all of your money over but leave a few quid in your main account to keep it open.  That way your ex company can't even touch your money without a court order.

  9. Have they noticed?

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