
Do I have to take a Pet store rabbit to the vet right after you get him?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to get a rabbit from the pet store ( I tried adopting but they took too long!) and i want to know if i have to take it to the vet, he is already altered.




  1. I would take him to the vet just incase he's sick. That happened to me before. My guinea pig had cancer before i bought her and died shortly after. So i would take it to the vet to get a check-up and make sure everything is alright!

    Good Luck!

  2. i didnt take mine and shes finee

  3. Please don't. It's worth it to wait and save a life.

    Have you checked your local animal shelters

    I doubt the pet store rabbit is already neutered. They often lie about things like that.

  4. What do you mean by altered? Like neutered? If you bought a baby animal from the pet store, it's probably not neutered. I would still examine your new pet bunny, feel for any lumps on the skin, discharge in the eyes, etc. because you can't always trust pet stores. I would take him to the vet after a a couple of weeks, so he can get used to you and your scent, so he is comfortable going out with you. Good luck! :D

  5. it's good to go for an initial exam.  the vet will be able to take a look at your bunny, check out the teeth and ears and do a fecal test on the p**p to make sure it does not have any parasites.  

    that's great the bunny is already altered!

    some basic info to get you started...

    good luck!

  6. I would. Pet store pets tend to contract diseases and sicknesses much more easily than well raised and bred pets. I would get it checked out if I were you.

    And please next time, even if it does take some time, adopt.

  7. i guess you could..

    and then get him sprayed

    and ten liter train him

    take him home :)


    I have one to..

    lives outside in the shack thingy

    with birds

  8. If you don't want to wait to adopt then I would take the rabbit to be checked! They are susceptible to respiratory infections! Besides it will be an investments and it's always a good idea to protect your investments!

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