
Do I have to take all the bottles for my medicines or can I put them in a pill carrier?

by Guest45432  |  earlier

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Do all medicines have to be in the original bottles with the patients name on it?




  1. What the others said.  Plus...

    If you are on several meds, some people find it easier to sort them out in pill carriers once a week, or have the pharmacy put them in a blister pack.

    If you have to see a doctor and they ask what meds you're on, "the little white pill" is not much help.

    It's a good idea to at least carry a list of you Rx meds in your wallet.  

    Rx narcotics or tranquilizers etc need to be in their original bottles, with your name and the prescribing physician when you are going through customs/immigration/traffic stop or they may be seized and you arrested.

  2. Kinda depends on or in what context you are describing.

    If carried in your person or in a vehicle, yes, they should be.

    Lets say you are in an accident, unconscious, at an emergency room, the EMS or attending doctor gives you X to ease breathing, if X and whatever you are taking is a fatal combination, then yes, I would suggest labeled bottles with the prescribing pharmacists name, type of pill, dosage, and stuff.

  3. medications that are considered controlled substances such as pain meds should be in their original prescription bottle with YOUR name on it.  The others should be left in their bottles to prevent confusion.

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