
Do I have to take drivers ed to get a motorcycle license?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't taken drivers ed yet, but do you have to take it in order to go for a motorcycle license?

Now idc if I should drive an auto first before a motorcycle, please just answer the question I'm asking

Thanks =]




  1. in WA state you dont have to take drivers ed but u must be 18 and u have to take a motorcycle class for like 4 hours or so

  2. Depends on the laws in your state/province/country.

    Where I live, there is no law that states you have to take a rider's course but I know of other jurisdictions that do.

  3. Trick question. You don't have to take driver's ed to get a license unless you're in a state that requires it for underage drivers (e.g., California.) Then the same rules apply as for getting a car license.

    But, if you do take the MSF course, not only do you get a break on your insurance but also you can waive the riding test at the DMV (you'll still need to take the written test.)

  4. yes you do.

  5. yes, you should learn to drive a regular vehicle, build up confidence and judgment in a safer vehicle, where mistakes dont have that much an impact of your health as being seated on a vehicle that takes a vast amount of confidence, concentration, and fluent judgment.

    Chances of one surviving a motorcycle accident are less than those in a regular vehicle, thats why u should start out in a car.

    ummm in the state of California one must take an ed class b4 one gets their license or while they are in the permit stage.

  6. it depends where you live, and you have to take motorcycle lessons. you should learn how to drive a car too, it can really help one day :)

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