
Do I have to take off my contacts when I take a shower?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Hi!! I have been wearing contacts for 6 years and have never taken mine out to take a shower. Just be very careful not to get water in your eyes because they can come out. I have never lost any in the shower.

  2. No, I have had contacts for 7 years now. I always take a shower with them in. Just close your eyes, so you don't get any soap behind them. Otherwise it really hurts. If you do, just take them out and wash them off really good with contact solution. I even go swimming in mine. Just wear a pair of goggles.

  3. not really, just close ur eyes when u shower.

  4. No, just avoid letting the water get in your eyes as it could get under the contacts and wash them out.  It's pretty much no different then how you shower now.  Shut your eyes like you normally would, as I doubt you ever let running water pour into your eyes.

  5. no

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