
Do I have to take specific SAT II tests for certain UCs and certain Majors?

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Do I have to take two specific SAT Subject tests for the UC I'm applying for or can it be any combination? For example, I'm applying for UC Riverside, UCSD, and UCLA and wish to major in Biotechnology. Does that mean I have to specifically take the Bio and Math tests because I suck at math and my bio teacher was horrible and taught us little to nothing on biology other than "Global Warming and the Human race is evil! Save the environment blah blah blah!" So do i have to take those two specific tests or can I just choose whatever test I feel comfortable taking (World History and Literature)




  1. No, you aren't limited in which specific SAT Subject Tests to take.  I indicated on my application that I was going to major in chemistry, but I took the Literature and U.S. History tests.  So yeah, definitely take what you're most comfortable with.  

    Here's the thing, though: why would you want to major in biotech if you're more comfortable with other topics?  Even though I took Lit and U.S., I also took the chemistry, physics, and math level 2 tests, which all pertained to my potential major.  The idea behind the subject tests is to be a cohesive applicant.  Maybe you should rethink your major, especially if math isn't your strong suit.  

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