
Do I have to take the SATs?

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I want to be an Occupational Therapist Do I have to take the SATs?




  1. SATs are for getting into college, your major is long after that, you only take the SATs if it is required to get into your college

  2. well you dont have to take the SATs... i am not..... but i am taking the ACTs.... Much much easier..... and it is fun to take as well.

  3. The SAT's are simply for getting into college, not for picking a profession. Since you want to be a therapist I recommend taking it and aiming for a high score on the english portions of it. This will show the college of your choice that you are off to a start in therapy ed. However many people don't take the SAT's and still go to college. You can just go to community college and do well there, then transfer. Ask me whatever you want about college/school/tests such as this. I know more than anybody about this business.

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