
Do I have to tell my eye doctor if i'm switching brands?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so my eye doctor prescribed me with Preferred 55 contact lenses and he said i had to try these for 3 months or something.

Anyway, i don't feel any comfort with them and i have to carry eye drops all the time.

and i want to switch to Acuvue Oasys or anything Acuvue [i heard from my friends and reviewers and everything that they were really good]

Anyway, do i have to inform him? My parents don't want to spend money for a new eye checkup or contact fitting anymore because i just got these like 2 months ago or so.

I was just wondering if he could print me out a new prescription for the brand instead.

Help me out?

[i'm only 14]




  1. Contact lens brands differ from each other in many ways including water content and sizes. If you have dry eyes you may need a brand with a different water percentage. If your contacts slips a lot or cause blurry vision, you may need to be refitted.

    Changing contact brands requires a new prescription as the new brand of contacts won't have the same diameter and curvature. Wearing the wrong size contacts can cause damage to the eye (Also, any reputable store won't fulfill the order.)

    Preferred 55 has a diameter of 14.5 mm for example while most acuvues are 14.0 mm and my presciption is for Biomedics which are 14.2 mm. Because my optometrist doesn't stock biomedics at my high prescription I wear home acuvues until my special order comes and I don't find them as comfortable as they slip and dry out. However, many people like Acuvues; it often depends on the person.

    I suggest you consult with your optometrist, s/he should either refit you for a new lens or just try out a different brand without requiring a full exam and at no extra charge. It's the doctor's responsibility to find the best possible lenses for your eyes' health and comfort.

    Good luck on finding a good brand that fits your personal needs.

  2. You won't need another exam, but the Dr. will have to see trial lenses of the brand you want, on your eyes.

    He can't just prescribe another brand without trying them on you.

    You don't have to wait 3 months either, if you aren't comfortable with the ones you have, let him know and they will try another brand. A week should have been plenty of time for the first pair as a trial.

    You paid for the exam already, it's up to them to find you the brand that works for you now, with no extra fitting charges.

  3. The prescription must come from the eye doctor.  What you want to do here is to talk with the eye doctor about the discomfort caused by your present lenses.

  4. ok well im 13  and have been wearing mi contacts for like a year and i do agree that the eye visits can get expensive on thing that you can do is as long as you no your presciption is to call 1-800-CONTACTS they sell acuvue i belive and thy ship tu your door thats what i do.but sense you ar just starting too wear the contact get the smaller quanty.thy sell them in 1 year 6 months and i also belive tria.if you dont know your prescription call the eye doctor palce and ask for your prescription.hope this me at xoxoxoxox

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