
Do I have to visit Motoring School b4 i pass my exam?

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Is it necessary to visit Motoring school in UK before exam for real driving licence or can I try to pass an exam even without knowladges? And If I do, how many hours do I have to drive for practice and how many lessons i have to visit for theory?




  1. You dont have to take any lessons, or drive for any certain amount of time.

    If you wanted you could have never driven in your life and take the test.  It will cost you loads though!!

  2. No definitely not.

  3. NO

  4. The theory test can be booked as soon as you have your license, you don't need to have done any lessons at all (though I would recommend buying a theory test practice program for your PC & going through that a couple of times). In theory you don't have to do any lessons at all to go for your practical test either but it certainly isn't adviseable, you would simply be throwing good money after bad if you aren't spot on with your driving. On average it takes learner drivers around 40 lessons (about 40 hours) to learn to drive properly.  

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