
Do I have to wear a beanie to convert to Judaism?

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I want to convert to Judaism, Orthodox. But I'm worried about the anti-Semitism if people see the beanie and realize my religion. Will an Orthodox rabbi convert me if I don't wear a yamulka? (I'll wear it inside the Synagogue, of course.)




  1. Many dont wear a Kippah. Only during prayer and easting. It isnt a commandment to wear one, just a custom, a strong custom.  

  2. You wear a beanie if you are joining a FRAT, not Judaism.  

    If you want to convert, you ask the rabbi about a KIPAH.  (or yarmulke).

    NEVER call it a beanie.  That isn't what it is.  And you NEVER have to wear one, but you are required to keep your head covered.  And if you have a problem with the customs, maybe you shouldn't convert, or you should think about conservative shul.  

  3. He's not interested in converting because no potential convert to Orthodox Judaism would call it a beanie. This is a sad joke.  

  4. Some devout jews wear the yarmulke all the time. Most less-strict jews just wear it in Temple. Generally males wear them and females don't, kind of like the Christian tradition of men removing their hats in Church and Women keeping them on. It's more of a tradition that a requirement, but I gather most Temples do encourage the tradition. I suspect there is some passage in the Old Testament that describes those practices.

  5. You can use the mickey mouse beanie.

  6. It's not a "beanie" doesn't sound at all like you're serious about this.

    It's called a Yarmulke.

  7. You are speaking of a yarmulka or kippa. You do not have to wear one but you will be required to keep your head covered.

    I have heard the yarmulka came about because of the custom of tippiong hats when greeting someone. The head had to always be covered so the little yarmulka under a larger hat would serve to cover the head when the larger hat was tipped.

  8. What's required is a head cover.  You can wear a hat instead (over it).  However, in doors, a hat is going to stand out too.

    If you're calling it a beanie, and asking about not wearing it, you aren't started on this process yet are you?  Have you learned much yet?  A good site if not is

    Oh, & yes a kippah will draw attention possiblity anit-semitic.  That four year old in France who was gang attacked was targeted because of his kippah.  Unfortuantely it's not totally uncommon in Europe any more.

  9. Anti-semitism is an unfortunate Reality to being a Jew. You can covert and not where any Jewish clothes or accessories, including the skull cap. But, what I would suggest is to examine your inner self AND those who are in your life. I don't know you and even if I did I would not Judge or tell you what to do...agreed? What I am going to say is for you to decide for yourself what you want to take away from what I say. These are questions you should answer to yourself. What if someone was expressing Anti-Semetism? What actions would you take? Can you see yourself acting bigger then a prejudice jerk? If you have kids could you teach them how to deal with it? Biggest question...Is this the ONLY thing holding you back and could you be willing to work with your Rabbi to prepare for it?

    Don't convert until you are ready, if you never convert can you still know in your heart G-d loves you just as much as if you were a Jew? Because he does. Your his child and he wants you to feel safe, happy, and love him and all he created, regardless if your Jewish or Gentile.  

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