
Do I have too much f******n?

by  |  earlier

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All my life ive noticed that i seem to have a lot of f******n. when flaccid i have a good centimeter and a half left over, which to be honest isn't the nicest looking of things. when erect, i still have over half a centimeter hanging, which makes wearing a condom very uncomfortable. I also have a very short frenulum, leaving me with a pretty severe case of frenulum chordee. Too much f******n and frenulum chordee make it very hard for me to get the f******n all the way down without it simply rolling back up again.

What i want to know is i will be going to get frenuloplasty, but whether or not i should be considering getting a partial circumcision. My main worry is that i will lose feeling, hence why i don't want a total circumcision. Thanks in advance.




  1. The long f******n sounds normal. I'm not sure about the frnulum chordee, sorry. If it's really causing problems then I think you should ask about your options. I would recommend a partial circumcision be the absolute last resort.


  2. I'm a girl in the UK, and I like it when men have long foreskins. It is more to play with!

    My boyfriend also had a short frenulum and his tore, which is obviously best avoided so it's great you're going in to have it done properly.

    But don't get anything done to your f******n. You may lose some feeling or end up with a scar. And I think a f******n is a f******n - it is a good thing. When looking at your answers, please bear in mind a lot of answers will be from the US where circumcision is the acceptable norm while in the UK it isn't.

    The guy at the bottom of this page has a relatively long f******n:

    and I don't think it could look any better.

  3. well i have short frenulum welcome to the club if your over 14 dont consider circumcision its too late and is very risky want your man hood to go down the drain and it hurts like h**l but its up too u..

  4. Take it one step at a time.  Frenulopasty is much more minor than circumcision.  Get the frenuloplasty and see if you're happy with things then.  You can always cut more later.

  5. better kept uncircumcised

    the ladies love it

  6. You're fine, man. I have a long f******n too. Who cares what it looks like when flaccid?

    By the sounds of it, a frenuloplasty would be ideal for your short frenulum. As for the partial circumcision I think that'd be a waste of time and money, and would be unnecessary.

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