
Do I have too much make up on?

by  |  earlier

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How old do I look?




  1. What a hott mess :). Haha, seriously, this made my night. Thanks for the laugh!

    ... now I have to get back to cleaning MY room :(. Lol.

  2. i've seen way more on other people. it looks cute tho!!!! U look around 16.

  3. you look about 15. you're very pretty but that makeup makes you look kind of scary.

  4. yes and around 15

  5. You look like the joker from batman and i would say you are 17 and my god clean your room!

  6. i think the amount of make-up on you is way toooo much, but i also think you look good in it, i would say you are about 15 or 16.  


  7. you look like a zombie! and you look 14-15

    that much make up is NOT attractive....  

  8. yes, i'd say a little bit too much makeup, and you look to be about 14-15..?

  9. clean your room girl

  10. yup cant tell probs 17

  11. dayum wut did you do to yourself? lol you look like you're about 16

  12. It looks soooo old like a nanna..

    well, I gotta say, if you use makeup, use natural colors like brown for the eyeshadows and some bright colors for the lipstick, if you want gothic, use some eyeliner on the upper and down part of your eyes. Make it deamatic, but don't make it too thick, you can add a curve to the right corner of your right eyes and left corner for the left one..

    Hahah I'm sorry, I reaaallly can't help it.. if I see someone with weird makeup, I would think of giving advice..

    But you might be joking in that picture, that makeup suites you only if you want to go to a Halloween Party or something.. heheehe

    Have fun!

  13. your rooms a bit messy

  14. 15

    sorry, but thats alot of makeup

    tonee it down a bit.

  15. hah yeah! too much, tone it down a notch or two. you look 14 or 15.

  16. Yeah you have tooo much makeup on!

    you look like a HOT TRANNY MESS!


  17. lol, you have too much makeup on. You look like you are 15 or 16

  18. oh wow!

    did you seriously need to ask?

    unless its halloween or you plan on going out to a street corner, i would totally tune it down...A LOT!

  19. Yes - too much make up, especially around your eyes.  Also, lighten the shade of your lipstick.  You look around 15.

  20. lol Yes u look like 15

  21. lol...its a joke right???? obviously you have to much on...and i think you know it...i dont know your could go either way.

  22. Good God, lady! Too much, and you look 43.


  23. Oooo my yeahhhh

  24. waaay to much  ..  

    and you need to clean your room  

  25. lol 16??

    you look old girl

    take that gunkk off your face

  26. Yes, you look around 13-15.

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