
Do I have visions?

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ok so once in a while i have these dreams. their just about stuff happening, like going to the store or something. but then days later I see the same stuff I saw in my dreams!! but, there's one dream that hasn't come true yet. it's a dream about a person in a white room and the person's all bright white with only dark black eyes. does this mean something?




  1. Well, first of all, you need to make sure you are having visions, and not garden-variety deja vu. Deja vu happens when your brain gets stuck, and replays what you just saw, and then you feel like you've dreamt it before.

    To tell the difference, keep a dream diary. Review it every week (or month) and see what came true. Those would be your real visions.

    If you've had such a vivid dream that it keeps coming back to you (but hasn't happened yet), it must be important. You will have to find the meaning yourself. How do you feel in the dream? What do you think the white room is? And who is the person? How is that person feeling?

    If it were my dream, I'd feel like I'd need to add more color and excitement to my life -- or maybe that I need to be more accepting of the moral ambiguities (shades of grey) in life. (-: But that's what it means to ME. What it means to you may be something entirely different.

    Edit: I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with the first guy. I've had deja vu myself, where I was working and chatting with a co-worker in a grocery store, and I swear I must have dreamt it before, because it felt SOOO familiar!

    But, you have to admit, that kind of vision is basically useless. What are you going to do with something like that?? Now, if you dreamed of a horse race, and could actually bet on the outcome (or a mugging, and managed to avoid that alley), THAT would be a useful vision. But it has never happened to me -- just deja vu about silly, everyday things which don't really matter. That makes me suspect that my brain is playing tricks on me.

  2. This is called De-Ja-Vu. Everyone has it, but certain people get it more often than others. Me for instance, I have De-Ja-Vu at least twice a week.

    And your dream about the white room, is probably just a dream.

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble, man, but if you dreamt about going to the store and then you actually went to an actual store, then that's not a vision.  You just dreamt about going to the store.

  4. no its not .i dreamed one night before work some lady was going to tell me my job was over i had this dream one hour before i got up to go to work when i got there it was a lady that look the same ,hair color,white very nice like in my dreams said exactly that to me in a matter of two hours and its not the first time that happened to me but all the time.if you have the gift of visions then it starts off just like that thats why you dreamed the person that was bright  you have a gift its just not as elect yet but trust me it will .

  5. White in a dream might possibly be a reminder to resolve special situations and problems. White is feminine, symbolizing virginity, but also emotional coldness and immaturity. White is the colour of the bride, and it stands for completeness, idealism, purity, innocence, elegance and openness. Success well earned.

    Dark black eyes- could mean watch out for a person who looks innocent but sneaky..

    Having a deja vu could also mean that while ur asleep you had an outer body experience..where you travel in another dimension where souls or spirits meets..I guess your spirit had went thru time in the future..Thats when you realiaze you've been there or seen something..

  6. no,sorry but that is not visions
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