
Do I have yeast infection?

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My pubic area has been itching a lot lately. I don't have any cottage cheese-like things down there, but it is always itching. It hasn't started itching like crazy till today. I see there are light pink/red dots on my pubic area. I have never had s*x before, but sometimes I don't clean my underwear as regularly as I should. Could that be the problem? Is it yeast infection or something else?




  1. One time that happened to me also, if you dont stay as clean as you should it does turn into a yeast infection. I would say make sure you keep yourself extra clean, and get anti itching cream. Apply it as you need it and now wait to see it is gets better in a couple days if not I would say see a dr asap!

  2. Yeast infections are usually easy to spot. So if you don't have any discharge, it could be something else. I would go to the gyno!

    Best of Luck


  3. it is possible it is a yeast infection. since your not sexually active

    its easy to treat . over the counter with ointments that you place inside your v****a. there are one day treatments they are the fastest to work.

    put them in at night. the egg type are the best.

    wear a maxi pad and you will be cured

    things to avoid getting yeast infections.

    avoid nylon panties, they dont let skin breathe. stick to cotton

    change panties daily

    avoid keeping panties moist like sweating in the heat, or exercise

    avoid sugarry foods.

    yeast grows in warm dark moist enviroments.

    with the pink dots it makes me think you could be having allergies to your laundry soap. maybee switch soaps

    See a dr. if none of these things work.

  4. Have you had an Anti Biotic recently? A Yeast infection can develop after a regimen of an Anti Biotic. Other vaginal problems can develop, if you can see a Doctor, that would help, however going to CVS or Rite Aid, stop and ask the pharmacist, what he recommends for vaginal itching with a rash. There is a section with many products, including Monistat for yeast infection and Vagasil for itching. select what best describes your symptoms. Regularly washing the area is good Hygiene, and fresh clean underwear is so refreshing. Watch for sales on underwear and get a lot of them to change often. Problems can develop even if one is not sexually active. You need not be shy, there is always help. just ask .  

  5. Have you been taking antibiotic lately? if not try changing your laundry detergent, and wash the area after urination. Some times anti itch creams over the counter specifically for genital area help a lot. Avoid itching if possible. Also sometimes being in wet swim suit creates it too, so good luck.

  6. it could be a number of things...go to the doctor and find out.

  7. It wouldn't hurt for you to get some yeast infection cream and use it anyways just in case.  Usually if i start getting itchy down there i go get some cream even when i don't have the discharge. It seems to work and make me stop itching.  

  8. It doesn't really sound like it.  My best guess would be that your itching because your underwear aren't clean.  Try wearing clean underwear and washing down there every day and see if the itching goes away.  If not contact your doctor and see what they have to say.  Hope this helps and good luck.

  9. Yeast infections have discharge and usually smells funny. Do you shave? that could be it as well... when the hair grows in it rubs against your clothes and irritates it. Shaving causes the red dots and itching.

    And clean your underwear more. ;)

  10. Sounds like you have some type of infection. Your v****a is very sensitive and if you're not keeping yourself clean enough, it can lead you to experience lots of discomfort. Always wear clean underwear, if you work out, shower and wash yourself very well with an unscented lotion. No need to actually go into your v****a, just wash the outside where your lips are. Make sure you are dry then where cotton underwear, it helps let air in and out of your privates. For the itching go to your local drug store and by anti itch cream specifically made for the v****a, DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN OR AT IT THAT IS NOT MADE FOR YOUR PRIVATES! Your next plan of action is to call your doctor and make an appointment. Some infections can be treated with over the counter products but some can't, it's up to your doctor to find out what can be done.

    By the way, treat your body like a temple, it's the only one you have!

  11. I would think so~get ourself checked out

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