
Do I insist on my 2 year old sun to go to kindergarden?

by Guest57323  |  earlier

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My sun is 2 years and 8 months , he stays home with grandparents , so i put him in kindergarden today is the his 4th day , he cries he doesnt want go , do i let him stay home , or he should be going by now ??????




  1. Hello. Kindergarten is for children 4-6 years old. Perhaps you mean daycare, or preschool. I am a Montessori teacher and I get asked a lot:  Ã¢Â€ÂœShould preschoolers really start at age 2 ½ or 3?” Some think that, “By beginning instruction at such a tender age, the Montessori method deprives youngsters of their natural childhood. It pushes children too hard to achieve intellectual pursuits too soon.” In answer to those questions, children at such an age do benefit from the experience for they too, like all children, wish to learn more about themselves, their environment, and world around them. Their brains are like sponges absorbing every little thing. Thus, learning has a greater potential when it is a natural function of childhood curiosity and development.  

    No child at first really wants to leave their parents for strangers and strange environments. It can be harder on the parents at times than it is on their children. The longer you stay and prolong your exit, the more torn he will be. Try setting up a type up routine so that he may predict what will come next. Children thrive on understanding and having routine. Also, once you say "bye", and tell time when you will be back, make sure to leave. this way he will associate your "bye"  with the said action. The first few weeks might be rough, but, after he adjusts, develops trust toward his teachers, He will love to go! The best of luck to you and your son as he continues on his journey through life.

  2. If you leave him, he will get used to it eventually. Why does he cry? Because of attachment, or is the place just not welcoming? Are there other kids that take his toys? You should stay there with him and watch how the teacher and kids interact. If it is because he is attached, then he will get used to it and not cry. But I do think it may be too soon for your son to be in kindergaten. I think 4 years is more appropriate. You decide.

  3. Rips your heart out doesn't it.  They need to learn social skills at this age so daycare can be great.  My childcare provider suggested the following:

    2 days a week- helps to make it familiar and routine

    have special brekkie or time together before drop off

    send a comfort item

    always say goodbye and tell your son when you'll be back

    encourage interaction with carer


  4. I hope he isn't in kindergarten, because that program is designed for 4 and 5 year olds!

    If you mean day care, then yes, I suggest you keep sending him. Unless you're worried something is wrong at the day care. If he isn't doing well, keep sending him, otherwise it'll be a lot worse when he is required to attend school. He is still rather young, however, so my best advice would be taking him in everyday, but only for a few hours. Let him go in the mornings, when the most children are there and have the most time to play. Take him out around lunch, so he can go home and nap in the peace of his own surroundings. That is what a lot of teachers in preschool suggest, because it isn't ever good to have a child in someone else's care all day long.

    Best of luck.

  5. i say, @ that young, a two year old really shouldnt go to kindergarten. if you mean daycare then keep taking him. he sounds like he is clingy. u might stay at the daycare with him one day like if u have the day off and just observe a day. there might actually be a reason he doesnt want to go. maybe others wont share or something.

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