My 7 year old daughter for the most part is well behaved and caring. Today she got in trouble at school but, I don't think it was completely justified.
She called one of her classmates "fat" after the girl was kicking her around the playground and just plain annoying her. I even saw it with my own eyes when I came to pick my daughter up. The girl kept stealing my daughter's hat.
The teacher made my daughter apologize to the girl. Now I know my daughter shouldn't be calling anyone names but, at the same time if you annoy or hurt someone then you will get something back. I'm overweight myself so, I know my daughter wasn't saying such a hurtful thing out of spite..she was just fed up!
I told her that she has to tell the teacher if someone is kicking her but, she said the teacher would say she was being a tattletale. I know the teacher does indeed call the children this when they "tell" on someone because my eldest daughter had the same teacher last year.