
Do I keep my mother updated?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 31 year old guy, independent, financially and otherwise, a professional, living an hour and a half away from my parents, and have been out of their house since I was 18. But I am also very close to my parents and rest of my family. So I tend to email my parents and keep them updated with what's going on in my life. Well, a lot of times my mother responds with what she thinks about something I tell her I'm up to. Normally it doesn't really bother me. But I've started dating a woman who is 10 years older than me, and I told them that I was seeing this woman, etc. At the time it wasn't very serious, and I told my mother that. She responded with how she didn't approve, and how she was skeptical of an older woman willing to date a younger man, etc.

My problem is, I'm not writing for her advice; i'm writing because she is my mother, my family, and I love her and just want to keep her abreast as to what is going on in my life, just like I enjoy hearing what's going on in her life.

So my question is, how should I go forward? Should I just stop informing her of what's going on? Or keep doing it and just try to not get upset by her response? Or what? Because this relationship with this woman has become more serious now, but I'm leary to inform my mother, and thought maybe I'll let her know about it when she gets the wedding invitations a year from now or whatever.

Anyway, suggestions?




  1. This sucks.  I could'nt bite my tounge.  I would tell her "I wasn't asking for your approval, so if you don't like tha way I am living my life, then I won't inform you of anything"  Sounds kinda harsh, I guess because I'm thinking of my hatefull mother doing this to me.

    Live how YOU want to, she had her time to raise you and make your decisions for you.  Now it is your turn.

    Good luck.


    Seriously, I have heard of WAY too many mother destroying their son's relationships because of things like this.  You really need to set her straight now, before this goes any farther.

  2. dont terminate the good relationship you have with your mom...

    she's just concerned...

    try not to get upset and let her know that there is nothing wrong in dating a older woman....

  3. mothers are always going to have opinions of how their children live their lives. i think you should continue to keep her informed about whats going on but if she puts your partner down just nicely ask her to respect your decision to be involved with her. explain how much you care for this woman and tell her how her opinions make you upset.  

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