
Do I look Irish, English, and Scottish?

by  |  earlier

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I am Irish, English, and Scottish




  1. you look asian

  2. No you don't look Irish, English or Scottish.  You look more Italian than anything else.  Your skin is not pale enough to be Irish, English or Scottish and you have brown eyes whereas the predominant eye color of the people of the British Isles is blue.

  3. Please stop putting your picture out here.  We've all seen you now.  Get over yourself already.

  4. If you are English, Irish and Scottish why are you asking this question?

    Do you have a real genealogy question?

  5. more scottish and irish than english

  6. This kind of question is silly.  There are not real distinct differences between them, and since they are all next to each other, most likely anyone with European heritage has all 3.  Asking if you look Irish, English, and Scottish is like asking if I look like I am from Iowa, Minnesota, or Wisconsin.  It is all the same difference and who really cares.  I'd say you are pretty shallow.

  7. u look wonderful. no matter your race.

  8. You don't look Iike it.

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