
Do I look OK in my one-of-a-kind eyeglasses ? Should I get new frames or just replace the lenses ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. sweet thats cool kinda gotti though

  2. more of a trademark hook than a stately look

  3. get rid of the moustache! and get some new frames that arn't screaming "i'm trying too hard to be cool"

  4. you've asked this question atleast 3X that i've seen so far.  Once it was your "new" frames! Now you are talking about replacing the lenses as if they are an old pair! Do you really need the attention THAT bad?

  5. they look kinda "next gen" lol. but cool and unique anyway

  6. not to offend you but i dont like'em

  7. cool, very futuristic.

  8. I say ditch the glasses. They do nothing for your face and looks. Also ditch the mustache. If you want to look younger shave and get different frames.

  9. I like them! but if you have had them for awhile and are bored then keep them as extras and get new frames...but they are cool.

  10. Overpowering.  Not right for you.  Get rid of the frames and the moustache and you will see a whole, new, younger you, which I suspect is what you are aiming for.

  11. They're different and that's cool. But they might be distracting in a more formal setting. Consider getting a more serious pair for more serious times.

  12. i bet your`e single

  13. Those glasses seem fine to me. But, those might look a bit better if you have 'em tinted a bit, without losing the magnification you need for your vision, of course.

  14. I think they are too wide for your face.  I'd get some new glasses, but maybe pick a funky colour, so your glasses still are unusual!

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