
Do I look anorexic -- Parents keep saying I look it?

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Do i look anorexic? I eat healthy and regularly, I workout a lot. I've lost over 125lbs so far and my parents keep telling me i look anorexic, bla bla bla. Do i?




  1. You don't look anorexic. You look thin, but that could be normal. Based on the size of your neck and chest you look to be a normal weight. As you get older your metabolism will slow down and you will probably gain weight, so pay no attention to what your parents say. Also, you should try weightlifting. Weightlifting to build muscle requires eating more calories so make sure you stick to it. It will help you fill out more and look nicer.

  2. no

  3. It's hard to tell because you're sucking it in. I wouldn't worry about it.

  4. it would b nice to tel if u losen ur belly

  5. you do have some muscle in your arms but you are quite skinny, do this

    it does work.

    i think if you put more weight on around your stomach but not too much and keep on working out you'd look great!

  6. I dont think you look anorexic but you are way too skinny...or is that your sucking it in???

  7. to me you look like you lost to much weight...your arms are decent though but thats it

    your stomach is blah and your shoulders and chest are weak

    im guessing no trapezius either

    i was once like you my parents told me that to cuz i lost 55 pounds in 2 months and went from 185 to 130...and started eating healthy and stuff outta nowhere one day im like

    i hate eating this i wanna loose a few...and yeah my parents believe in eating w.e the h**l you want...cuz there fat as h**l...then my dads like your anorexic and he kept sayin i was and i was like idc...

    im 5 ft 4 so 130 is skinny but not to skinny

    i was real muscular at 130 and real 160 now not as cut but mostly muscle every pound you gain i believe 30% is fat and the rest is i gained some fat went from 12% to 14% which im at now...i cant even fit in my old under armor shirt that was big on me when i began it ripped when i put it on the other night...

    if i were you i wouldnt loose anymore and take up weightlifting

    your arms are you could prob build some big ones...everything kinda puny no offense but yeah

  8. Stop sucking in. Then take the picture.

  9. kinda yeah.. you wouldn't if you had a 6 pack ( just some advice )

  10. not like anorexic but really thin (healthy) but you do have nice arm muscles :) if you are comfortable i wouldn't worry about it, unless you are losing weight  you might want to see a doctor.

  11. Dont suck in your stomach so much

  12. You just look a little skinny.


  13. when you suck it in you do...

    plz answer;...

  14. I can see some muscle on your arms.  That would let me you are NOT.   Are you sucking in your gut alitte bit.  check out this site it is pretty reliable.

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