
Do I look pretty in this?

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What do you do about an attention w***e friend who always fishes for complements and gets angry when you don't compliment her?




  1. Give her a smile and walk away :)

  2. Ignore her or end the friendship

  3. Forget her! Ditch the ***** and get a new friend!

  4. Just don't compliment her.  Tell her she needs to feel good on her  own, she's obviously insecure.

  5. she is using you to build up her low self esteem.  give her a reality check and give her compliments when deserved... if she doesn't lke it... bye bye

  6. just start ignoring her. she'll grow up eventually. start getting some attention on yourself and leave her in the dark :)

  7. I would tell her how often she does, remind her that she looks good and needs to know it in a nice way without constant reminders coming from her to answer

  8. maybe find a new friend

  9. say something random to her next time. ex;

    how do i look?

    zomg  a opossum!

  10. i hate people like that. my friends are always like saying their hott and stuff and i am like get over your self. AND THEN THEY GET MAD IF THEIR BF CALLS ME HOTT OR SOMETHING. i hate it. and they are always trying to get people to give them compliments

  11. dont hang out with her or tell her to shut up.  

  12. no i dont think you look pretty in that

  13. I don't hang around people like that...

  14. Every time she fishes, say something totally unrelated to a compliment.

    If she says, do I look good in this? then you say, OH MY GOD MY SISTER JUST BOUGHT THAT ISN'T THAT FUNNY!

    or in a monotone voice, "looks expensive"

    or WOW its very green.

    or, Looks like something miley cyrus would wear.

    just think of anything that you can say that has to do with the clothes, but without complimenting her. she will get sick of being the only one who cares about what she looks like and you'll be free eventually.

  15. Doesn't sound like a good friends at all then

    dump her ***!

  16. just tell her what your telling us tell her you dont liek it and your tired of complimenting her all the time just because she is unsure of the way she looks. be nice though no claws :)))

  17. is she ugly?if she is i have a really funny story that brings back so many memeories there is this girl named neha she was reaaallly ugly and she always wanted attention and she would copy me and my friends clothes it would get us  so mad but we would still have a good laugh because she is fat so it looked funny on her we hated her sooooo much but not only cus of that its cus many more reasons so one day we decided to play hide n seek to get rid of her for a day and she started complaining about us cheating  then 2 of my friends finnally stood up to her and said we cant be seen around u we are sorry and we cant be friends he said it ina  realllllyyy mean way and neha started crying

    so you should just tell her shes a whor3 and get out of your life [be a little nicer than i am tjough im bery rude lol]also telll her u shouldnt force me to give u compliments about your trashy clothes and  your S***y outfits  

    if she starts talking to u just change the subject with your friends  and  takk about pizza or chicken !i dont know!!! lol

    hope it helps i had expiereince

  18. Find a new friend.

  19. Definitly tell her that shes not gonna look great in EVERYTHING and not everyone is going to give a awesome opinion about her outfits. and if shes very stuckup, tell her that people arent gonna start liking her in the future because nobody likes a stuckup, attention w***e. ha, sorry if that was a little mean. Hope everything goes well! and remember, if you dont want to be her friend anymore or anything tell her before she finds out. bad things could happen. haha. - Lindsey♥

  20. you should talk to her and tell her that she shouldn't need compliments from other people to make her happy and that you are tired of her always fishing for compliments from you. and if she keeps fishing then try to break away from her and she should get the hint that it's not fun for you when your with her when she's like that and she might try and change her habit so she can be friend with you again.

  21. Friends accept each others bad qualities, that's what makes them friends. If you value her friendship, just ignore it.

  22. Tell her to stop looking in the mirror and get a freakin' life.

  23. She wants you to kiss her, and take her on dates. Why else would she desperately long for your attention?

  24. tell her to stop being insecure and promise her if she looks bad in something or doing something  wrong i would tell but i will going to constantly compliment her and boast her ego as it gets irritating after awhile as she needs 2 learn when she looks good and what her plus points are by herself without me constantly reassuring her and if that doesn't work i would do the same to her so she knows how annoying it is lol  

  25. just be liek what? were you expecting a compliment with THAT outfit on?;...

  26. She's not worth being friends with.

    Tell her nicely that it would be best if your friendship didn't go on any longer.

    Staying friends with her will only bring you down in the long run.

  27. I had a friend like that...

    One day some dude asked me out and not her.. she got super mad and stuff and did all this mean ****.. I threw an opened bottle of whiteout all over her new clothes.. It was hilarious.

    I didn't really get in trouble for it.. just a warning.. but it was all worth it.

    Anyway shes not my friend anymore. Just ditch her.  

  28. i ignore it lol i had a friend who did that all the time we would be looking in a bathroom mirror and she would wait for other people to walk in and say "OMG i look like c**p!" and the other girls would say,"aww no you dont" it drove me crazy lol

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