
Do I lose credits after 10 years?

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I left school in 1998 as a jr. standing at Western, IL. I have heard that if you don't have a degree you start losing credits. Is there any truth to this? I have been thinking about going back to school, but obviously don't want to start all over. thanks




  1. Well I had a friend that was older who came back to school. Certain classes she had to take over but some she didnt. I dont know how you would know except to ask the school you went to and are wanting to go to. I am sorry I couldn't help more than that.

  2. Credits never go away.  Sometimes if you apply to a specialty program (like nursing) they will require some of your science classes to be under X years old (5 usually).

    You won't have to start all over.

  3. I tried to go back to college after 15 years and I was told that I had to go back in under the new catalog in force at the time.. which means I could no longer graduate under the 1989 catalog.. I had to use the 2008 catalog. Under the 2008 catalog they had added 16 more hours to my degree (I only needed 9 to graduate before that).. I didn't lose any  of them but that's how it works in most schools.. you would just have to talk to your school and ask them how that would work.

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