
Do I need a 2-week notice for quitting the job which I am still in my trial period?

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I just started the 2nd week of my cashier job and I got a better offer from a design firm which I have been waiting for.I like the people in the store so I don't know what to tell my boss about my decision without burning the bridge. And do I need a 2-week notice for them?




  1. Giving a two week notice is only a courtesy, you do not have to give it.  If you can give a two weak notice without putting your new job offer in jeopardy you should do it because it is the right thing to do, not because you have to.

  2. It is always a good idea to give two weeks notice if you can. If your new employer won't mind, you should do it. If the new employer wants you to start immediately, then you might just have to quit without it. I know it sucks to leave the people at your job "high and dry" and by quitting so soon it may leave a bad taste in the old employer's mouth. I say if you want this new job badly enough to risk burning that bridge... do it.

  3. It's the professional and polite thing to do.  Just let them know you need to resign because you have been given a better opportunity at a design firm and it's what you've been waiting for, and say you hate to do this but you just can't pass up this opportunity, then tell your boss your last day will be whatever the date is from two weeks when you resign.

    HR Manager .

  4. If you don't want to burn bridges the proper thing would be to give a two week notice immediately and explain that you were offered a better position at another company.  If you just quit with no notice, that bridge will definitely burn!

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