
Do I need a W.S.I. (Water Safety Instructor) certification to teach Private swim lesson?

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Do I need a W.S.I. (Water Safety Instructor) certification to teach Private swim lesson?




  1. It depends on where you are teaching. It can also be based on who you are teaching. If you are teaching on your own (i.e. going to peoples homes) it would be wise to have some sort of certification(also CPR and first aid).

  2. Well, if its priveate and out of your home or with out a "boss" then no.

    It would look better on a resume if you had it.

    But if the people that you are teaching don't require it, no.

  3. You only need a WSI if your employer requires it.  If you are doing these lessons on your own, you don't need one.  However, it is a good certification to have and will make you more marketable when you are trying to get more private lessons or if you decide to get a job teaching swim lessons, not to mention make you a better swim teacher.

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