
Do I need a building permit for this???

by Guest61698  |  earlier

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My mother has a house that she owns....well the bank does basement could use a little work...just plumbing, electrical or anything like that...i am a do it yourselfer so its probably not going to be perfect but i know what im doing...if all i want to do is drywall do i need to obtain a building permit?...i have heard that for drywall you dont but some say that anything you do to your house u pretty much need a permit....also i dont think that my mom will be selling her house...ever...because ive heard that problems could arise if i didnt get a permit and she sold the house...anyway im just wondering if i need a permit for simply drywalling?




  1. This process is a simple upgrade..You are not tearign out any of the existing structure.altering support beams...doing electrical,gas,or plumbing..You are not changing the layout of the floor in most requires no permit..I wouldn't worry about it anyway..stack your drywall in a garage or elsewhere unseen..and do not stack large amounts of debris/trash from the drywall by the curb in visible sight..also..code enforcment and other agencies that control not work saturdays and sundays..alot of cities now are in fact going to a 4 day..10 hour a day work week..and don't work fridays now as well..

  2. Do you need a permit to re-decorate your bedroom, ???. See, to me dry-walling is not interfering with the "structure " of the building, and so therefore I cannot see how anyone can prevent you from doing what you wish to do within the confines of your home. But then all countries have peculiar rules and regulations, which border on the "nanny state"and particularly here in the UK, BUT I CAN, if I wanted to, Drywall any internal part of my house without nanny state interfering. My home is my castle. Call the authorities and see what they say.

  3. Technically, you need to check with your local city or county.  Realistically, you can do the work without a permit (eventhough it might be illegal) since it is being done inside and the local code enforcement will not see it.  It is only a problem if the person buying the house checks to see if a permit was pulled for finishing the basement, but buyers rarely go through all that work.

  4. depends on local laws.  check with the county or the city.  Not much here gonna answer you.  

  5.   Like the 1 st 2 check w/ your local 1st.. They also do this to keep track of houseing this   way to possible increase your taxes thru the increase in living space  and your home value..And of course to watch the dangerous hackers who do mess w/ plumbing and electricity .. GL

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