
Do I need a c-section to have my tubes tied?

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Or can I get it done after a vaginal delivery?

My husband wants to get a vasectomy, but our doctor won't refer him until he's 30 or until he has 3 kids. We're expecting our second in December and he won't be 30 until May 2010.

By my pregnancy history, I tend to get pregnant easily (3 pregnancies within a year of my daughter's birth, 2 of them miscarriages), and he's very sure he's done. He doesn't want anymore kids, and as much as I'd like a third, I'm realistic. I know we won't be able to afford a third without going into debt.

So, I've decided that I'll get my tubes tied, at least until he can get his vasectomy. By then, I'll probably be having my hysterectomy anyway due to my endometriosis.

So, do I need a c-section to have my tubes tied or can I get them tied after a vaginal delivery?




  1. No. You can get something called a laporoscopy. I had one done for ovarian cysts. You have a small camera put in right near your belly button and them two wires right over your tubes through small incisions. The doctor watches on the camera what he is doing. It is a very easy recovery and not major at all.

  2. No you do not need to have a c-section to get your tubes tied , you just have to talk to your doctor about it , they normally try to do it within a 2 weeks to a month after giving birth if thats what you want ... Good luck

  3. The do the surgery separate from natural child birth. The doc make a small insciscion in your belly button and one on your side and do it that way. it is a completely separate surgery. BUT if you have a csection they do it right after the child is born because they actually take your uterus out and examine it so if you wanted your tubes tied they are right there for them to do it. oneless surgery too!!

  4. What?  

    I had no problem getting a vasectomy when I was 24! I have no children, and have never been married. Don't let that doctor force his beliefs on you!

  5. having tubes tied is a little surgery of its own, i believe it can be done either at time of c-section OR after vaginal, but it'll be less stress on your body if you have it done after baby's born.

  6. has nothing to do with which way you deliver but in canada they have the same rules they wont do it unless youve suffered major medical complications or have 3 kids or are like 40

  7. no you do not have to get a Csection

  8. You need to get a "real" doctor, because the one you have has some personal moral issues that he is forcing on your husband.  Everyone that tells you that he can't get one with out being 30 and having three kids is telling you c**p.

    I hang with child-free people, and most of them had vasectomies in their early 20's, with no children at all.  I had my vasectomy when I was 21, and I have no children.  Some of my friends had them in their late 20's and they only have one child.  If all of us can get the surgery, with none, or wone child, then surely your hubby can get one after having two children.

    Anyway, a vasectomy is a "piece of cake", and it hurts less than getting a tattoo.  He should get the surgery.  It is a lot easier than you getting your tubes tied.

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