
Do I need a cage for my ferrets if I get some?

by  |  earlier

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I will still have things like hammocks and a litter box, so do i have to have a cage if I get ferrets?




  1. yes it's a good idea untill you get the ferret toilet train make sure the ferret can't get out of it though and before you let the ferret out have your house ferret proofed

  2. You do need a cage. Unless you will spend 24/7 at home, supervising them, they will not be safe outside their cage unattended. Even if you proof your house. Cages are really a safety issue with them. They can just get into dangerous situations too easily. When they are out of their cage, some one has to watch them always.

  3. My sister has four ferrets, and you absolutely need a cage, until you train them.

    They p**p everywhere.

    They get into your things.

    Ferrets hide your stuff.

    They hide places themselves and you cant find them.

    Plus they make a lot of noise, because they love things like bags, bells, and paper.

    But Good LUCK!  

  4. If I was you I would get a cage, to put them up when your not home and when you go to sleep. They are like little kids they need to be watched at all times, so they don't get into something that could hurt them. I let my ferrets run all day when I am home and when they want to sleep they generally go to sleep in there cages with out me putting them in there. I don't ever use the cage as a punishment. I would say if you didn't want to buy the cage, than please just make sure they don't get in to any thing that could make them sick, because with them having free run you might not be able to realize something is wrong with your ferret until it is too late.

    Good Luck.

  5. Yes, get a cage. You can let them run free some of the time, but a totally free range ferret is a good way for him to get hurt or killed. It is physically impossible to completely ferret-proof your house. The only logical alternative to a cage would be to have a separate bed room used only for the ferret. Go over it floor to ceiling, secure vents, plugs, cupboards. Make sure there is nothing they can dig in, eat, destroy, or any way for them to escape. If there is a way, they will find it. You should get the book Ferrets for Dummies. It has a lot of information and tips. It will help a lot.

    But please, get a cage

  6. Preferably. At least at first. They don't come litter box trained, so unless you want to deal with a mess on your floor, I would litter box train them in a cage THEN give them free roam.

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