
Do I need a cleaning fish for my betta?

by  |  earlier

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OK, here is the problem... I'm taking care of my betta very well! Very happy, but whenever he makes a bubble nest, after a while (2hours) the bubble nest is gone! Is it the water? Well, the sad thing is there is a filter and perfect water temp... I only do 30% water changes a week but I cant get the betta c**p at the bottom! Is it ok if I do a 100% change once a month and do 30% a week? Maybe if I do a 100% change the bubbles he produces will last longer. I understand that there is benefical bacteria in there... but come on, who wants to live in a toilet... My betta deserves better. Will it help if I get a cleaning fish in there so eat will eat the betta c**p? if it will please state with type if cleaning fish (small, big, or a certain type). If you need any extra details this is it; 2 gallon tank, Filtered water, 80 fernhiet, plants, and a styrafoam cup for his nest. ( the cup is not making the bubbles pop... He built a big one before and it lasted about a week and I destroyed it, since it smelled). THANKS IF YOU ANSWERED!!!!




  1. Bottom feeders only eat food that falls to the bottom of the tank, and certain types will feed on algae.  Judging from the info provided, you're already taking great care of your fish by watching the temp, cleaning every week, making sure he's in a good environment, etc so your betta should be perfectly fine.

    I've had betas almost my entire life, and although the bubble nests will tend to disappear over time, more bubbles will be produced.

  2. the filter probly filters it out

  3. try these web site

  4. no fish/invertabrate eats c**p just go to the store and buy a gravel vacuum and if your betta really deserves better he should be in a 5 gallon tank

  5. NO.. adding another fish will just make conditions in the tank worse, and a 2gal tank is not big enough for any of the 'sucker' fish.

    So called 'cleaner' fish dont eat fish p**p, they eat algae and left over food, and make MORE p**p.

    Then there is more mess, more bioload on the system, poorer water quality.

    It's best to do frequent partial water changes, you can change up to 50% every day if you want to. Get a small gravel vac to clean the bottom of the tank. Just do that as often as needed and top up with fresh water.

    The cycle bacteria live stuck to the solid surfaces in the tank, not floating free in the water, so water changes dont really affect them.


  6. I wouldn't put any other living things in a tank with a beta- they are very aggressive. Try a tank cleaner or vacuum.

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