OK, here is the problem... I'm taking care of my betta very well! Very happy, but whenever he makes a bubble nest, after a while (2hours) the bubble nest is gone! Is it the water? Well, the sad thing is there is a filter and perfect water temp... I only do 30% water changes a week but I cant get the betta c**p at the bottom! Is it ok if I do a 100% change once a month and do 30% a week? Maybe if I do a 100% change the bubbles he produces will last longer. I understand that there is benefical bacteria in there... but come on, who wants to live in a toilet... My betta deserves better. Will it help if I get a cleaning fish in there so eat will eat the betta c**p? if it will please state with type if cleaning fish (small, big, or a certain type). If you need any extra details this is it; 2 gallon tank, Filtered water, 80 fernhiet, plants, and a styrafoam cup for his nest. ( the cup is not making the bubbles pop... He built a big one before and it lasted about a week and I destroyed it, since it smelled). THANKS IF YOU ANSWERED!!!!