
Do I need a new gear box for my peugeot 206?

by  |  earlier

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It is very difficult to get in to gear and seems to be getting worse, using 1st gear is becoming almost impossible. There is also a very loud grating noise every time I go into reverse. My gear stick goes in easily when my engine is turned off though.

Thanks for your help.




  1. Check the oil level in the gearbox. If it is low, it can cause issues with getting into gear and also with jumping out of gear.

    A damaged sycromesh can also cause problems getting into gear (either live with this or rebuild or replace the gearbox).

    The other possibility is the clutch not releasing fully.

    When the clutch is out and the gearbox in neutral, the engine will be turning a shaft in the gearbox. When you put the clutch in, this shaft should stop turning, particularly when you put it into gear. One way of checking to see if the clutch is releasing when you depress it is to:

    1. engine running, car stationary, handbrake on, put clutch in.

    2. put into gear (any forward gear), then back to neutral, leaving clutch in.

    3. wait for a half a minute with the clutch in, perhaps even rev the engine a bit, then try to put into reverse. If it goes in easily without a graunch, the clutch is releasing well, however if it makes a sound, then the clutch has not been releasing properly and the shaft was spinning again.

    With reverse, the shaft should normally stop spinning after a few seconds, so you could try holding the clutch in for a short while before putting into reverse. Another method is to put the clutch in, put into a forward gear, then reverse, then let out the clutch as normal.

  2. usually then gear box should last for many many years. the problem starts with the clutch. if you re sure that the is working properly (like you accelerate instantly ) then it might be the gear box . but even in this case you dont need to replace. check on your service book if automatic when was the last time you changed the oil. if manual check for any licks under the car. if nothing of these... the you might need to get a new one. but in your case it is not expensive.

  3. Yes. Don't fret, every other Peugeot on the road needs a new gear box also....

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