
Do I need a passport to cruise mexico on a ship ?

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Do I need a passport to cruise mexico on a ship ?




  1. Yes, it's a new law that has just taken effect.  You now need a passport when traveling to Canada or Mexico (you didn't before).  I think it's more on the side of re-entering the US.

  2. yes you do I have gone on several cruises to Mexico

  3. Yes

  4. No, you shouldn't need a passport. I'm a travel agent and had to look into this several times. I also recently returned from a cruise down there and I didn't need it but i brought it for safety issues. Generally the rule is if you go by air to mexico or Canada you will need a passport, but if you cruise up you won't need it. You shouldn't need it it but you should check with your cruise line since they might have different rules.

  5. NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going on one monday and you do not need one till next year!!!!!!!!! you will need a original birth certificate and a picture id like drivers license,  you can take one or get one if it makes you feel better, but it takes a long long time now to recieve them.

  6. The quick answer: NO.

    The long answer: No, BUT. You will need a State certified copy of your birth certificate through this year. January 2008, you will need a Passport. Through this year, you just need a Passport for air or land travel, NOT sea travel (cruise). As a side note, a Passport is to get BACK INTO the US, not into another country. Also, with the State certified copy of your birth certificate, you will need a valid photo ID, meaning state issued drivers license.

    Note: The requirement of a State certified copy of your birth certificate means just that; "State" certified, not just a copy you made on a copy machine. The other way is to bring your actual birth certificate (with raised embossed notary stamp) but that's highly not recommended as you don't under any circumstance want to lose that, so get a State certified copy from the State in which you were born and it was filed.

    Also keep in mind that if you have to fly back from the cruise while you were in Mexico, you can still get back in without having a Passport but will have to go through a lot of questions and answers and explaining. (You will also go through more of a question and answer line when returning on the cruise (most of the times, but not always to be truthful) instead of the "hold up your Passport and be waved through" immigration.)

  7. Before Jan of 2008 then no, if after then yes. The passport requirements now only pertain to flying outside the US and then reentering hte US. If you are going by ship like cruise ship then you need a valid ID and birth certificate. Nothing else. It would make it easier though if you had a passport but its not required yet.

  8. The correct answer is if you leave a US port for your Mexico cruise you DO NOT need a passport as long as your travel is completed by the end of 2007.  However, the law changes in 2008 and a passport will be required to re-enter the US.  Also, if you do go on your cruise to Mexico and something happens and you have to fly back to the US you WILL need a passport to get back into the country.  So the best thing is to get a passport now.  Check out this web site for all of the rules and answers to your questions.

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