
Do I need a passport to enter Mexico?

by  |  earlier

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I have to leave for Mexico immediately. I have already turned in my application for a passport, but even with the expedited fee, it will take 15 days. Can I leave and enter Mexico without a passport and have it sent to me after; I know I need one to get back into the US.




  1. yes you do

  2. Mexico-US has very tight security. It's extremely probable that you need a passport. I would check with the place you got it from.

  3. If you are flying, you will not be allowed on the plane without a passport.  if you are travel ling by land, all you ned is your birth certificate and photo i.d.

  4. It all depends on how you enter, technically they'll want it for all entries, but by air is the toughest.  

  5. i just went in july.

    they didn't ask me for one.

    if ur flying then yes u will need one

    but by car you don't. at least not until june 2009

  6. You only need a passport if you will be flying! if you go by land or sea you dont need a passport until June of 2009.  

  7. If you cross the border walking, you can. But its difficult by car, and impossible by plane

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