
Do I need a passport to get to the us from canada?

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if it makes a difference im a canadian citizen




  1. Only if you are flying, if driving, just your ID (driver's license)

  2. The current regulations for travel into the US from Canada for US and Canadian citizens are as follows:

    By Air: A valid Passport

    By Land: A valid Passport, OR, a valid government issued ID (i.e. Driver's License) and an official birth certificate. If you are 18 or younger then only a birth certificate is required.

    By Sea: Same as Land.

    If you are 18 or younger and travelling either alone or with one parent you will require a letter of authorization allowing the person/parent transporting you to bring you across the border. It must be signed by either both parents or the parent not accompanying you.

    The best form of ID is a passport however and it is planned to make this the sole ID required for all forms of travel effective as of June, 2009 (by the US Government). There are other acceptable forms if ID such as a NEXUS card which can be used at selected border crossings and several, such as an enhanced driver's license, which are being tested and may be acceptable alternatives to a passport however that is not certain yet.  In the US they are issuing a "Passport Card" however that is not being considered in Canada to my knowledge.

  3. Starting June 9, 2009 Canadian citizens traveling by land and water, will be required to have passport to enter the United States.

    You don't need one to travel by bus.

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