
Do I need a passport to go from Germany to Italy?

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Do I need a passport to go from Germany to Italy?




  1. If you're a citizen of the EU: No.

    If you're from another country: Yes.

    There are no customs any more at the borders between Schengen Countries so you probably COULD go from Germany to Italy without any ID card at all (although not recommended! and not via Switzerland).

  2. As a citizen of the European Union you don't, an ID-card is OK. If you're going through Switzerland you might need one since there not in the EU.

  3. NO, Italy and Germany are in European Union (EU) it's enough just the ID Card.

  4. If you go through Switzerland, YES. If you go over Austria and around Switzerland you probably won`t even see anyone at the border checkpoints (if you notice them at all). So, not likely. However, Italy is a spot from where illegal immigrants (ex. Africa, Asia) arrive and go on to other European countries, so they may have more controls in border towns. I wouldn`t take any chances, espeically if you "look foreign". Take it along.

  5. If you are a member of the EU you need a recongized EU form of Identity, drivers license, ID card, passport. I always recommend taken your passport with you when ever you travel to other countries. In some places the police may hold you until you can identify yourself.

  6. Switzerland joined Schengen last year (although, like Norway they are not in the EU), so no border control and no duty to have a passport either for any other Schengen-country citizen. Ireland and the UK have not joined the agreement, so if you're from there you still need a passport.

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