
Do I need a passport to go to Tijuana for a day??

by Guest65013  |  earlier

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my friends and I are all planning on going to tijuana for a day next week and we are traveling from san diego to tijuana... any suggestions? Should we drive or take a bus? are there any buses available? Is it somewhat safe? Do we need a passport?? And we are all 19 and 20 but are traveling with one of my friend's younger brother that is17... will that be a problem??? Thanks =]




  1. As of Jan 1 2008 you'll need a passport to return in to the US or a combination of ID/Driver's License & birth certificate. I'll probably take the buss if you don't know your way around.  It won't be a problem for your 17 year old friend unless you try to go into the infamous Revolution bars. By the way no locals ever go there. You'll be fine as long as you keep somewhat of a low profile.  

  2. by the way love the name "Chloe"

    iv been going to Tijuana for ages...there may be all kinds of laws, but neither the U.S. or Mexico enforce them...

    to go to mexico, you need nothing.  i cross all the time and if by chance the bell rings and the red light turns on you only get asked what are you bringing with you. you say nothing and thats it.

    to come back, at the moment, they are still just asking for and ID and/or birth certificate.

    as for the 17 year old, my friends and i were all under aged and niether mexico or the U.S. ever questioned us about it.

    as for danger...danger is everywhere...can you imagine chosing not to got to Tijuana and getting robbed while at your local grocery store?!!!?  man, had you only gone you would have been safe!!

    the only thing about danger is that its a bit more convenient for it to happen closer to home.

    go and have fun....just stay away from bad places.  do you go into the dangerous parts of san diego at night? no you dont, right? same thing over there.

  3. You need a passport to re-enter the United States.  You may not take your friend's younger brother unless you have notarized consent from BOTH parents, and even then it is not guaranteed that he will be let into Mexico.

    As far as safety:

    1.  You may need to purchase car insurance for travel in Mexico.  Check with your car insurer.

    2.  You may not be able to take a car into Mexico if it is not registered in your name.

    3.  Take only what you need:  money, a credit card, id, passport, insurance documents, and car registration (NOT title).  Leave everything else at home.

    4.  Do not leave valuables in your car.

    5.  Do not carry valuables with you.

    6.  Do not act "wealthy."

    7.  Leave copies of ALL documents listed in number 3 with a friend at home, and another copy in the glove compartment.

    8.  Leave an itinerary with a friend at home.  If you are not back when you say you will be, call them and update them.  That way, if you don't call back and they don't hear from you, they can contact authorities.

  4. I wouldn't recommend going there at all.  Tijuana is a bad place for a bunch of young kids to be...

  5. Yes. You used to be able to get in with just a driver's license and a birth certificate, but you will need a passport now.

    Taking a bus will cause you to have to wait until everyone on the bus has been cleared by customs, so I'd go myself.  A 17 year old has no restrictions and won't be a problem.

  6. NO...passports are NOT needed for LAND travel to and from Mexico until June 1, 2009.  See site below.  you will need birth certificates and photo I.D.s. The 17 yr old will need a letter of permission signed by both parents and  a responsible adult with the group permission to take him to Mexico.  He may or may not be asked for it, but it is Mexican law.  See 2nd site and read section on mnors under "Entry Requirements."

  7. All you need is a valid State issued ID or Drivers License.

    Going into TJ you won"t even be processed by anyone. Its  like passing through a turn stall at Sea World with nobody there to check your ticket.  The ID makes it easier when you return to the US. I have a friend who goes to TJ with no ID, he never has a problem getting in, but when he returns he's always held at US customs for 4-6 hours while they run him through the the system. Not the recommend way to travel.

  8. why does this question get asked every other day and why do people keep giving the wrong answer???

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