Do you need a special permit of any sort to offer childcare for your wedding? I do not want children at the reception or ceremony so we have decided to have a "fun day" with a petting zoo, clowns and games for the children the day before the wedding. Because of this, many out of town guests have decided to bring their children. I have several distant cousins/friends who have offered to provide child care during the reception and Ceremony at my Grandmothers Large house on the outskirts of town. We have it organized that there will be no more than 3-5 children per adult. At the moment there are going to be 15-20 Children that will be staying at the house that night. We have worked out sleeping arrangments so it will be fine, and all the adults who offered to provide child care have all signed up for a first aid course (that will be held before the wedding is to take place). Is there any sort of permit I need to get to do this?