
Do I need a special driver's license to ride a motorcycle in US?

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Im 21, and i hav a regular valid drivers license, I was wondering if i need a special license to ride a motorcycle here in Louisiana,USA?




  1. I would think most states require a motorcycle certification these days. In Texas you have to pass the motorcycle drivers safety course before you can be legally certified to ride a motorcycle unless it is under a 50cc engine.

  2. Yep its called a motorcycle endorsement in my state. You have to pass the written and driving test specifically for a motorcycle.

  3. Most states make you get a validation on your regular license to say you have passed a test to ride a motorcycle.  You need to go to your local DMV  to see what is required.

  4. i think its just a waste of time if your a good driver

    if cops really enforced that law

    almost half of the people that drive motorcycles would be off the streets

    but there is a special drivers lisence

  5. It varies from state to state some require a class m  endorsement  and some just a drivers license . I wish we had a stystem like they have in other countries where you have to start small and prove the you can ride before getting a bigger bike. Some are so tuff even GP riders would have a hard time passing. That would get all of the squid stunters and their wrecks off the road  

  6. Call the local DMV. Some states do and some stats don't. Here in Illinois you need one. There is 2 types a class L for bikes up to 150cc And a class m for 175 and up.

  7. From the DMV

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