
Do I need a special license to storm chase?

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I want to film hurricanes and tornadoes here in Bradenton,FL. I'm 16 and this will be my first year storm chasing. Do cops have the right to tell me to turn off my camcorder while filming hurricanes and tornadoes? Isn't one of the amendments freedom of media and press? Doesn't video tapin storms fall under that category? If a cat.5 hurricane comes, I want to be able to film everything from what's happening on land and the oceans storm surge. When they issue a mandatory evacuation, would I be allowed to stay and storm chase? If I do need a permit, where do I get one and how much would it cost? Sources? Besides a barometer and TV stations, what else do storm chasers use to guess where a tornado will strike?




  1. I can tell you from first hand experience that if you are only 16 Then you should go out with other chasers so you can to get experience. The field of storm chasing is one that is extreamly dangerous and with out warrning can take your life.

    I would also study the folowing links on the subject on storm chasing. (Below)

    As far as any storm chaser goes it is in the best interest to follow the direction of any Law Enforcement officer or any EMS personel. Remember they are trained on Emergency Situations and you are not. The are just looking out for your Safety.

    Those that are allowed past Police barricades are Media and Actual Research Meteorologist employed by the National Weather Service. or Those directly connected to the NWS such as those from the National Severe Storms Laboratorys.

    As far as Liscences go there are none required and there is no offical training.

    If you are interested in becoming a professional then I would highly consider looking at collages that offer Meteorology as a major as they to get involved with research and at times will be allowed past the police lines and or allowed to stay behind durring mandatory evacuations but when directed to they to have to leave the area.


    That shot might be worth a Million Dollars, but is your life worth it?

    Storm Chasing Information and Resources

  2. They don't have the authority to make you turn off the cam, but they can order you to leave if they think you are not in a safe place.  Mandatory evacuation:  yes, you do have to leave.  A Cat 5 hurricane is definitely NOT safe to be out filming in.  No, there is no such thing as a storm chaser's permit or license, but it is very dangerous and you need to learn a lot about the science of tornadoes to get the slightest idea of how they do it.  They're highly educated people in the field of meteorolgy, and sometimes finding a tornado is partly guesswork because there is no way to predict whether a particular storm will produce a tornado or not.  Barometers and TV stations have nothing to do with it.  Do a lot of online research-- try googling tornado for starters and learn from the masters.

  3. No, amateur storm chasers need no special requirements or licenses.  Nobody can force you to evacuate, they can only strongly "suggest" it.  

    However, please hear me out when I say that there are tens of thousands of high school students who seek to do this as their own fun hobby.  I DO NOT recommend going out into the field unless you understand the basics of thunderstorms.  I'm taking the when, where, why and hows of storm development, motion, structure, etc..  

    Also, many amateurs will chase and block roadways for important emergency vehicles or others looking to go in an opposite direction. Always consider others safety before your own personal gain, including snapping that great photo or getting that fantastic video of a tornado.  

    Finally, if you decide to chase always have somebody that knows weather be able to coordinate with you.  Storm motion can be erratic on occasion and influenced by a number of factors.  I wouldn't want you to get caught up in a storm's belly.

  4. They have their own special equipment....i do think you need a license you have to go to school for it....that way your city know that you've have some experience and your family won't be able to blame them

  5. no, go outside and chase away!!!!!

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