
Do I need a visa for 2 weeks in Vietnam?

by  |  earlier

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Do I need a visa for 2 weeks in Vietnam? How much will this cost and how do i obtain this? Im a newbie to travel and a bit confused! I leave in 3 weeks!




  1. yes, 3 weeks is cutting it real close but it can be done , 1; contact vn embassy by telephone[ no easy task getting someone to pick up ]let them know your situation , ask if you can get a visa upon arrival.. if so your good to go pick up the visa at the airport in sai go / ha noi..if not....2; overnight your passport and send an overnight return envelope. 3; stay on top of them , call to make sure they got every thing , then keep calling till you get it back. 4; there are also expediting agents you can find on the intenet.. if you trust that it will cost you about dbl the 60$-$80

  2. You don't say where you're from, but citizens of almost all countries need a visa to enter Vietnam. You can get one in person or by a representative at an embassy or consulate, or you can get one by mail, but you better hurry. Here's the website for the Vietnam Embassy, it will have all the information you need, you'll also need to call or e-mail to see what the current fees are, as they can change often, good luck:

  3. Oh YES you DO.. even just for a TRANSFER. The easiest way is to let your travel agent handle it.. It cost probably between 50-70. Or the cheaper way is to contact the consulate directly.. which will take longer..

    You need a visa application and 2 picture.. contact consulate for fee. 415-922-1707..

    OR.. you can email for more help.

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