
Do I need a visa to travel to vietnam?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to stay there for a lil more than a month to visit family




  1. yes you do.. when you buy your ticket at the ticket place they should already did it for you... or at least help you do it.. i went to vietnam last summer for a month or so and i needed a visa.. visa is like a card for you to be able to stay in any country.. if you dont have that then you cant go outside the can be inside.. and it is extremely hot inside at some parts of the airport..

  2. 1) There are certain exemptions for residents of ASEAN member countries.  

    2) Viet Kieu also have certain exemptions

    3) Otherwise you need a visa

    I have been able to to get a Visa Waiver from Vietnam because of my family ties to Vietnam

    Again, you need to check the Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate for clarification as to how you would qualify.

  3. You dont say what nationality...saying you are visiting family but assume you dont have a Vietnamese passport ?....if you do then no need for a visa

  4. Contact the Vietnamese embassy in your country. There are special rules for Viet kieu, and I understand people from ASEAN countries are exempt from visas - at least under certain circumstances. The embassy can tell you.

  5. Well if you gonna travel TO vietnam, ofcourse you need a visa for every country.

    but if your going to travel IN vietnam for example, like... Cities, you don't need visa.

    Have fun!

  6. yes you do

  7. surely you will need a visa to visit Vietnam

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