
Do I need a wet suit to surf in the SF Bay Area?

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I was just down in San Diego and I was fine without a wetsuit, but I have not yet tried it in the Bay area. I just moved out from Illinois, so I am used to the cold.




  1. Yes, get at least a 4/3 wetsuit. You will also need booties. Trust me you don't want to be cold when the air water and wind are all really cold.

    The Surfboard Man

  2. YES

  3. Hmm, I from San Diego, and this past Saturday, I was in SF and it was freezing. The water, the air, the wind. Everything. Of course being a San Diego native anything below 60 is freezing... I had a 3/2 full suit on. Maybe it wasn't thick enough? But I was told that the weather was nicer than usual that day.... I'd say bring one just in case. Better safe than sorry. Besides you can always take it off if you don't need it.  

  4. I would say yes, most of the time, and I am a cold water east coaster. Check the links. The water temperatures are timely and accurate, and the wetsuit recommendations are just a little on the wussy side for me.

  5. If you're from Illinois, I think you'll be fine regardless where you're surfing at this time in the year.

    I actually live on the east coast and I never wear anything more than a spring suit, and I was born and raised in the south.

    However, San Diego to San Fran is a considerable difference, and the ocean temperature is supposedly a 10 degree change!

    You'll probably need at least a topper

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